Lecture: No, we have not won the Infowar yet. Foreign Propaganda and National Security Implications in Central Europe

Lecture: No, We Have Not Won the Infowar yet. Foreign Propaganda and National Security Implications in Central Europe

On May 18, 2023 at 4 p.m. in the Magna Aula of the FJMC will be held a lecture "No, We Have Not Won the Infowar yet. Foreign Propaganda and National Security Implications in Central Europe". Organized by the Institute for Global Analysis and the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication.
The lecture will analyze the implications of foreign authoritarian-state propaganda exercised by Russia and China for the national security of the countries of Central Europe. Bulgaria’s place in this regard will be examined in a comparative perspective, including its degree of vulnerability vis-à-vis disinformation campaigns in the context of the experience of Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia. In addition, the lecture will present avenues and policies for counteraction with a special focus on the opportunities for regional approaches to combatting propaganda.

About the lecturers:

Nathalie Vogel has a long-standing experience in the promotion of democracy and democratic movements around the world. A graduate of the Institute of Political Sciences of the University of Innsbruck, Austria, Nathalie taught international relations at the University of Bonn, Germany. She has served as a project consultant for youth and civil society at the NATO Office in Moscow. Until 2015, Nathalie Vogel was a Fellow at the Institute of World Politics in Washington DC and worked as a contractor with the USG. As a specialist in info-warfare, Nathalie has been monitoring influence operations in Germany since 2007 and advises lawmakers and think tanks. She is a reserve Officer in the German AF. In 2020 Nathalie joined the Kremlin Watch Program of the European Values Center for Security Policy in Czechia as a Senior Fellow. Her assignment encompasses internal security questions, including investigation of cyber incidents, supervision of training and coordination of security briefings as well as monitoring and countering disinformation.
Dr. Rumena Filipova is Chairperson of the Institute for Global Analytics in Bulgaria. Her main research interests focus on the politics and international relations of Central and Eastern Europe, with a particular reference to questions of media and disinformation, identity and the authoritarian influence exercised by Russia and China in the region. Rumena Filipova holds a DPhil and MPhil in International Relations from the University of Oxford, a BA in Politics, Psychology and Sociology from the University of Cambridge and has gained an extensive experience in the think tank sector, including at Chatham House, Carnegie Moscow Center, the Polish Institute of International Affairs, the Centre for Liberal Strategies, Cambridge Central Asia Forum, Center for the Study of Democracy. Her most recent book is Constructing the Limits of Europe: Identity and Foreign Policy in Poland, Bulgaria, and Russia since 1989.