

The project "Research on the Media Environment in Bulgaria - Meta-analysis, Methodology and Approaches in the Studies of the Impact of Media Transformations on Societal Processes" is funded by the "Competition for Fundamental Scientific Research - 2023" of the Scientific Research Fund at the Ministry of Education and Science (Contract No. KP-06-N75/6 of 07.12.2023). The project leader is Prof. Dr. Veselina Valkanova.
Project website


  • Prof. Dr. Veselina Valkanova - supervisor;
  • Prof. Dr. Nikolay Mihaylov;
  • Prof. Dr. Efrem Efremov;
  • Prof. Dr. Theodora Petrova;
  • Prof. Dr. Prof. Nadia Zlateva;
  • Assoc. Dr. Irina Garkova;
  • Doct. Yotka Pancheva;
  • Stud. Peter Zhelev;
  • Dr. Tsvetelina Dzhambazova


№ КП-06-Н75/6 от 07.12.2023 г.
Project status
Signed contract
December 2023
36 months
Total budget
198 400 lv
Source of funding
Фонд „Научни изследвания“ към Министерство на образованието и науката


The project's main objective is to create and develop research databases on the media environment in Bulgaria. These databases will be created, preserved and updated through the formation and organisation of a Media Research Centre, which will operate permanently. The project team intends to reach this main goal by creating a network of researchers, journalists and scholars and by organizing and conducting annual surveys of the media environment in Bulgaria for the entire three-year duration of the project proposal with subsequent analysis and meta-analysis of the data, as well as an annual meta-analysis of the researchers' interpretations in various publications. As there is no existing centre in Bulgaria at this stage specifically engaged in the monitoring and research of the media, its development and change, and the trends of the journalistic profession, the team aims for the results of the three-year work to contribute to the establishment and development of a national Media Research Centre, which through appropriate methodology and active research efforts will provide a clear and true picture of the state of the national media environment in all aspects of its development - economic, social, gender The existing notions of the concept come from other scientific and professional fields and lack specificity. The same applies to the specification of the content of the concept of "media environment" to distinguish it from the similar "media ecology", "media landscape", "media sphere", etc. This work on the concepts is important for the team to strengthen and enhance the educational potential in the FWMK and other higher education institutions where communication studies are taught and are part of fundamental research. Without clearly delineated concepts, the knowledge taught in the relevant disciplines may lack sufficient credibility and relevance. 
The project's main hypothesis is related to the method of meta-analysis, which for the purposes of the project denotes an analysis that summarizes, combines and interprets the results and data of regularly conducted and periodically systematized interdisciplinary research. Based on the results of the meta-analysis of data from successive studies and the homogeneous conclusions obtained, the team aims to draw a reliable picture of the trends of the media environment in Bulgaria: 
-   Risks for journalism and media in Bulgaria;
-    Media legislation and ethical norms in journalism;
-    Professional standards;
- Media and democracy;
- Media as an industry;
- Processes and mergers in the telecommunications, media and online industries;
-  Media Financing;
-  The Financing and Regulation of Public Media;
-  The Regulation and Self-Regulation of the Media Environment;
-     Dynamics of the media market in the country;
-     The role of media and journalists in the new socio-economic conditions.