The 8th World Conference MEDCOM 2023 with the partnership of FJMC

The Eighth World Conference on Media and Mass Communication will be held from 16 to 17 March 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand, as well as online. MEDCOM 2023 will bring together a diversity of research and case study analysis from around the world in parallel sessions, while offering many opportunities for networking and publishing. The theme of MEDCOM 2023 is "Has something changed? Media and Communications in the Transformation of Knowledge". The Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication will once again represent Sofia University. Kliment Ohridski as an academic partner.

med The conference is organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management - Sri Lanka (IIKM). MEDCOM 2022 is a platform that brings together media and mass communication enthusiasts from all backgrounds (researchers, practitioners and policy makers) under one denominator - to create engaging learning experiences and facilitate effective knowledge transfer for career development while enriching the quality of research in media and mass communication. MEDCOM 2023 will include participants from over 20 countries. Deadline for abstract submission 16 November 2022 Early bird deadline 14 December 2022.

Site of the Conference