International Scientific Conference “Communication and Media in the 21st century: Educational and Professional Challenges” 27th and 28th of October 2022

The Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication on the occasion of 70 years education in Journalism organizes a jubilee academic conference on the topic “Communication and Media in the 21st Century: Educational and Professional Challenges”.

The conference will be held on the 27th and 28th of October 2022 within the framework of the St. Kliment Ohridski Days on the video conference platform Teams.

The Conference is organized with the help of the official partner Bulgarian Telegraphic Agency and our academic partners Vilnius University, Lithuania, University of Bucharest Romania, University of Niš, Serbia.


In 2022, the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of its bachelor and master programs in Journalism at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The academic education in journalism in Bulgaria started in the academic year 1952-1953, when the program of Journalism was established at Sofia University. Later, this program was transformed into a separate Faculty at Sofia University – the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication.

We most politely invite the specialists in media and communications, students and alumni of the Faculty, as well as those who are involved with the problems of the media and communication environment and culture in their various dimensions and manifestations. We welcome the interdisciplinary approach to the contemporary challenges in the education and practice of journalism and to the communication activities as a whole.

The Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication welcomes the academic dialogue in the disclosure of new and in-depth research in the problems of media and communication.

The thematic accents presented at this Conference will be:

  • Journalism;
  • Theory of communication and the media;
  • Media education;
  • Freedom of speech;
  • Multiculturalism, cultural studies, psychology;
  • Social media;
  • Digital communication technologies;
  • Communication in the public sector;
  • Industry and communication;
  • The future of media.

You can find additional information about the conference on our website:

We will expect your Applications for Participation until June 30th, 2022. Their compliance with the topic of the Conference and their inclusion in the program will be assessed by the Scientific Committee by July 31st, 2022.

Please fill the attached form and send it to:
Time for paper presentation - 7-10 minutes.
Working languages of the conference: English and Bulgarian.

Participation fee - 50 euros. Participants (full-time lecturers and full-time doctoral students) from FJMC are exempt from the participation fee.
The payment order for the participation fee is to be sent by September 1, 2022 to the e-mail:

Method of payment of the fee:
only by bank transfer
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
BNB - Central Office
IBAN: BG52 BNBG 9661 3100 1743 01
Grounds for payment:
Participation fee in the Jubilee International Conference 2022 - FJMC.
The three names of the participant.

Partners of the scientific forum are:

  • Bulgarian Telegraphic Agency;
  • The Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest, Romania;
  • The Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University, Lithuania;
  • The Department of Communicology and Journalism, University of Niš, Serbia

Scientific Committee:

  • Prof. Dr. Vesselina Valkanova
  • Prof. Dr. Nikolay Mihaylov
  • Prof. Dr. Raluca Radu
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marija Stonkienė
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erika Janiūnienė
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivana Stojanović Prelević
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Petkova
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manuela Manliherova
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orlin Spassov
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetlozar Kirilov

Organization Committee:
Chief Asst. Prof. Dr. Lora Simeonova, Chief Asst. Prof. Dr. Maya Vassileva, Chief Asst. Prof. Dr. Maya Stoyanova, Chief Asst. Prof. Dr. Nikola Vangelov, Chief Asst. Prof. Dr. Teodora Georgieva, Asst. Prof. Dr. Aneta Milkova, Asst. Prof. Dr. Yordan Karapenchev
Dr. Tsvetelina Dzhambazova

Correspondence and Public Relations:
Dr. Tsvetelina Dzhambazova