Talent’s Producing and Creative Industry
For students, who have the Educational and Qualification Degree “Bachelor” or “Master” from specialties in the field of:
- Social sciences, economics, law
- Humanitarian sciences
The conditions and rules for admission are determined by the Statute for admission in Master’s Degree Programs at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
This Program is aimed at students, who have the Educational and Qualification Degree “Bachelor” or “Master” from specialties in the field of:
- Social sciences, economics, law
- Humanitarian sciences
The conditions and rules for admission are determined by the Statute for admission in Master’s Degree Programs at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
Additional requirements:
- general mark from the high education diploma that is no lower than Good. The average mark is calculated on the basis of the average sum of semester exams and the grade from the state exams (thesis defense);
- written exam (only for the candidates for state grant).
The Master's programs of FJMC start with a minimum number of 15 students per group.
Educational goals
1. Focus, educational goals
The Master’s Program of “Producing and Creative Industry” is directed at the key aspects in two important fields of public communication – producing and creative industry. Students in the Master’s Degree Program will have specialized knowledge of producing of products and content for a multiplatform presentation in the digital medium, of the management, organization and communication of events and PR campaigns, as well as of the creative specifics of creative industries. A key educational goal of the Master’s Program of “Producing and Creative Industry” is to prepare the students for the dynamically developing audio and visual market requires quality, competitiveness and flexibility in the opportunities for career and business development according to the specifics of creative industries. The Master’s Program of “Producing and Creative Industry” aims for the students to acquire a broad specter of theoretical knowledge and professional skills in the field of development of creative industry’s products by supplementing the general training on mass communication with specific knowledge of creation of multimedia projects.
2. Training (knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional activity; general theoretical and special training, etc.)
The training in the Master’s Degree Program is done according to a curriculum in which the study disciplines are grouped in two modules – compulsory and elective courses. These courses present lections with a general theoretical focus and seminars and practices. Compulsory and elective courses that are included in the curriculum of this Master’s Degree Program encompass key stages in the realization of creative industry’s products: the idea for the end product, the business models for its development; characteristics of all structural and technological links; regulation and copyright; the approaches for its distribution.
General theoretical disciplines review and analyze different aspects of public communication. The specialized topics are focused on the functioning of the audio and visual sector. Special training is directed at the acquisition of knowledge of all key aspects from the process of producing of information and entertainment radio- and TV formats and sport events as well as at the acquisition of specific knowledge in the fields of budget making and creation of multimedia projects. The training has an aim to form professional qualities and skills so that “Producing and Creative Industry” Program graduates can successfully develop themselves. Lections are led by the most prominent specialists in the according scientific fields (associated professors and professors). Practices are led by working practitioners. Students from this Master’s Degree Program graduate with a defense of Master’s degree thesis in front of a state exam commission.
3. Professional competencies
It is expected from the graduating students to understand the essential characteristics of the system of public communication and creative industry; to differentiate between specific particularities of the media and the audio and visual medium; to recognize corporate and management policies, processes and decisions, to recognize the stages of producing and mechanisms of regulation of the creative industry; to be informed about the mechanisms of functioning of the system of public communication and the tendencies for its development in the conditions of contemporary information technologies and globalization processes.
4. Professional development
Master’s Program of “Producing and Creative Industry” graduates can develop as authors, editors, producers and managers at different managerial levels in the press, radio, television, online media, book publishing and in the independent producing sector. They will have the necessary knowledge and skills for organization of events and PR campaigns. Graduated Master Degree holders will have the necessary basis for competitiveness in the field of creative industry.