Digital Media and Communication (in English)


The program aims to train skilled professionals to respond to the urgent need in the labor market for professionals with the knowledge, skills, and competencies in digital media and communications, which will grow globally. The program provides students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and professional skills in contemporary journalism and digital media, audiovisual communications, public relations, digital marketing communications, and advertising. It offers the following specialization options: the Digital Media profile, the PR in the Digital Age profile, and the Digital Advertising and Marketing profile. The program is designed to provide training and qualification in response to the urgent need in the labor market for professionals with the knowledge, skills, and competencies in digital media and communications.
Presentation of the program (pdf)

Education form
Part time


You can study full–time or part-time for one year and a half (three semesters). Professional qualification: Master of Digital Media and Communication. MASTER’S PROGRAM CURRICULUM can be read here:


The taught course takes place within the University’s two 15-week semesters and involves lectures, seminars, tutorials, and case-study work. Students must successfully defend their Master’s thesis before the MA degree will be granted.

Tuition Fees - 2024/2025

EU students - full-time: 6000 BGN part-time: 5000 BGN
Non-EU students - full-time: 3850 € part-time: 3300 €

The fees are paid directly to the School’s bank account, in three installments, at the beginning of each semester.
Admission requirements
A Bachelor's or Master's degree.
The program is designed for students who have acquired the Educational and Qualification Degree “Bachelor” or “Master” of specialties “Journalism”, “Public Relations”, “Book Publishing” and “Communication Management” of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, as well as Bachelor and Master of other specialties of other faculties of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and other high educational institutions.
All teaching, course materials, and coursework will be in English. Students whose native language is not English must provide evidence that they have sufficient command of both spoken and written English, which corresponds at least to the level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) proficiency levels (Advanced English level: C1, TOEFL IBT: 100, TOEFL PBT: 600, TOEFL computer-based: 250, IELTS: 7).

Educational goals

Educational goals

The Master's Program provides the necessary professional qualification for the following industries: online media, digital websites of the traditional media - print, radio, television, digital media companies, PR and advertising agencies, PR and advertising departments of corporations and institutions, marketing departments of various businesses, digital agencies.

Educational plan

Journalism and media

Education form
Part time


Paid tuition - higher education diploma (Bachelor's or Master's degree)


Bachelors or Masters graduates from other faculties of Sofia University "St. Students can apply to other universities of Sofia University or other universities.
Candidates with an overall grade in the diploma of completed higher education not lower than GOOD are accepted for studies in the Master's programmes of the Faculty. The Master's programmes of FJMC start with a minimum number of 15 students per group.

Educational goals

Educational goals

Educational objectives

The program is designed for candidates who have completed a bachelor's degree but not in the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication and wish to obtain a master's degree in journalism. It is aimed at people who have a desire to realize themselves as professional journalists,media experts and well-prepared professionals in the challenges of the new times. The programme therefore aims to provide a basic knowledge of journalism and the media, which is enriched by more specialised subjects and specific disciplines from the relevant media profiles (press, agency journalism, radio, television). The aim is that, once the students have a major in another subject, the Master's program will provide them with theoretical and practical knowledge at a contemporary level in the field of journalism and media, which could support their further professional and scientific realization in this field.

The program includes, first of all, disciplines that introduce the profession and are the basis of work in any media - such as the history of Bulgarian journalism, the theory of journalism and media, journalistic deontology, media management and media marketing communications. Another group of disciplines provide

knowledge and professional skills for writing about international, cultural, economic and domestic political issues. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the program goes hand in hand with the acquisition of practical journalistic skills. Courses are offered as well as practical classes related to media specifics - such as graphic design, radio and television programming, editing, TV and radio genres, online journalism. This will create highly qualified media professionals with specialised basic training and specific modern media skills who can find a broad-based career in the dynamic media market.

Students of this Master's program complete the course of study with the defence of a thesis (Master's thesis) before a state examination committee.

Educational plan

Media design

For those who have obtained a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Journalism, Public Relations and Book Publishing from the Faculty of Journalism and Bachelor's or Master's degrees from other faculties of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and other universities.

Education form
Part time


The Master's degree program in Media Design is open to persons with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Journalism, Public Relations and Book Publishing from the Faculty of Journalism and Bachelor's or Master's degrees from other faculties of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and other universities.
Candidates with an overall grade in the diploma of completed higher education not lower than GOOD are accepted for studies in the Master's programs of FJMC. The Master's programs of FJMC start with a minimum number of 15 students per group.

Educational goals

Educational goals

Media design is part of the communication process, dealing with the transformation of information and its transformation into a message relevant and close to the consumer. The MA in Media Design focuses on the specifics, objectives and trends in editorial publishing.

Often overlooked, the visual side of journalism - the way media outlets compose themselves and present themselves to their audiences - is not only implicitly about the way they look, but mainly about how they carry out communication. New practices of communication design combine the forms of media presentation with its informational goals. Therefore, visual journalism combines the professionally considered deployment of photographs, illustrations, infographics and design into a complex system of communication and audience impact.

The MA in Media Design provides students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and professional skills in visual communication, communication design, journalism and media.

The program aims to prepare qualified professionals to work professionally in the media and focus on the visual side of communication. The training is tailored to the conditions of media convergence - the merging and interaction of all forms of communication in a unified media environment. Media design majors will be adaptable and complete experts in the field of visual communication, the new media industry: publishing and designing magazines, newspapers and books, electronic publishing and web journalism.

Students of this master's program complete their course of study with a thesis defence (master's thesis) presented to a state examination committee.

Educational plan

Talent’s Producing and Creative Industry

For students, who have the Educational and Qualification Degree “Bachelor” or “Master” from specialties in the field of:
-    Social sciences, economics, law
-    Humanitarian sciences
The conditions and rules for admission are determined by the Statute for admission in Master’s Degree Programs at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Education form
Part time


This Program is aimed at students, who have the Educational and Qualification Degree “Bachelor” or “Master” from specialties in the field of:
-    Social sciences, economics, law
-    Humanitarian sciences
The conditions and rules for admission are determined by the Statute for admission in Master’s Degree Programs at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Additional requirements:
- general mark from the high education diploma that is no lower than Good. The average mark is calculated on the basis of the average sum of semester exams and the grade from the state exams (thesis defense);
-  written exam (only for the candidates for state grant).

The Master's programs of FJMC start with a minimum number of 15 students per group.

Educational goals

Educational goals

1.    Focus, educational goals
The Master’s Program of “Producing and Creative Industry” is directed at the key aspects in two important fields of public communication – producing and creative industry. Students in the Master’s Degree Program will have specialized knowledge of producing of products and content for a multiplatform presentation in the digital medium, of the management, organization and communication of events and PR campaigns, as well as of the creative specifics of creative industries. A key educational goal of the Master’s Program of “Producing and Creative Industry” is to prepare the students for the dynamically developing audio and visual market requires quality, competitiveness and flexibility in the opportunities for career and business development according to the specifics of creative industries. The Master’s Program of “Producing and Creative Industry” aims for the students to acquire a broad specter of theoretical knowledge and professional skills in the field of development of creative industry’s products by supplementing the general training on mass communication with specific knowledge of creation of multimedia projects.

2.    Training (knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional activity; general theoretical and special training, etc.)
The training in the Master’s Degree Program is done according to a curriculum in which the study disciplines are grouped in two modules – compulsory and elective courses. These courses present lections with a general theoretical focus and seminars and practices. Compulsory and elective courses that are included in the curriculum of this Master’s Degree Program encompass key stages in the realization of creative industry’s products: the idea for the end product, the business models for its development; characteristics of all structural and technological links; regulation and copyright; the approaches for its distribution.
General theoretical disciplines review and analyze different aspects of public communication. The specialized topics are focused on the functioning of the audio and visual sector. Special training is directed at the acquisition of knowledge of all key aspects from the process of producing of information and entertainment radio- and TV formats and sport events as well as at the acquisition of specific knowledge in the fields of budget making and creation of multimedia projects. The training has an aim to form professional qualities and skills so that “Producing and Creative Industry” Program graduates can successfully develop themselves. Lections are led by the most prominent specialists in the according scientific fields (associated professors and professors). Practices are led by working practitioners. Students from this Master’s Degree Program graduate with a defense of Master’s degree thesis in front of a state exam commission.

3.    Professional competencies
It is expected from the graduating students to understand the essential characteristics of the system of public communication and creative industry; to differentiate between specific particularities of the media and the audio and visual medium; to recognize corporate and management policies, processes and decisions, to recognize the stages of producing and mechanisms of regulation of the creative industry; to be informed about the mechanisms of functioning of the system of public communication and the tendencies for its development in the conditions of contemporary information technologies and globalization processes.
4.    Professional development
Master’s Program of “Producing and Creative Industry” graduates can develop as authors, editors, producers and managers at different managerial levels in the press, radio, television, online media, book publishing and in the independent producing sector. They will have the necessary knowledge and skills for organization of events and PR campaigns. Graduated Master Degree holders will have the necessary basis for competitiveness in the field of creative industry.




Educational plan

International Journalism

Education form
Part time

Internal Political Journalism

Education form
Part time

Digital media and video games

Education form
Part time

Sports journalism

Education form
Part time

Public Relations

Education form
Part time

Advertisement and Public Communication

The master's program provides fundamental training in the field of public relations and advertising. It provides fundamental training in the field of Public relations and advertising. It is aimed at graduates - Bachelor or Master in "Public Relations", "Communication Management", "Journalism" and "Book Publishing" specialties of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, as well as to Bachelor and Master from other specialties of other faculties of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and other higher schools

Education form
Part time


Paid. Graduates of Journalism, Public Relations and Book Publishing at FJMC and other universities can apply for the Master's programme. Candidates with an overall grade of no lower than GOOD in their diploma of higher education are accepted for the Mast

Educational goals

Educational goals

The program offers the training of specialists coming from different scientific, research, and professional fields. The educational objectives of the Master's program are aimed at offering quality training and ensuring a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The Master's program also places special emphasis on some significant aspects of PR and advertisement and their close relationships with the media and journalism. The knowledge that the future students at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication will acquire will provide them with several advantages related to mastering leading trends, technologies, tools, and strategies used in the scientific and professional field of Public relations. The academic disciplines offered are up-to-date and focus both on the theory and practice of the communication specialists. They are particularly suitable for future experts whose searches aim to obtain and deepen knowledge and competencies in advertising and public communication. This is one of the oldest active programs of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", which is characterized by deep traditions and the attraction of many lecturers from various scientific and practical fields related to Public communication and advertisement. Thus, the aim is to provide in-depth knowledge and expand the practical skills of future specialists in Public relations and advertisement.


Educational plan

Professional copywriting

The Master's program addresses interdisciplinary issues, which implies the participation of researchers with different theoretical paradigms and diverse methodologies and tools. Therefore, two departments of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication - Press Journalism and Book Publishing and Communication, Public Relations and Advertising - are involved in the development of the program. By negotiating the competencies of specialists in the fields of public relations, advertising, brand journalism, online media, style, and language, the program unites the efforts of the scientific and teaching staff of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication to respond to the contemporary challenges in the communication environment and the labor market by preparing versatile and at the same time solidly educated and specialized professionals in the field of a dynamically developing profession - copywriting. The program is two semesters long, part-time, and open to students with qualifications in several related professional fields.

Education form
Part time


Платено обучение - диплома за висше образование (степен "бакалавър" или "магистър"); Писмен изпит (за държавна поръчка)


The programme is designed for students with qualifications in:

    Social, Economic and Legal Sciences
    Educational Sciences
    Security and Defence

Additional Requirements:

    Graduation diploma grade not lower than Good. The average grade is calculated on the basis of the average grade in the semester examinations and the grade in the state examinations (thesis defence) and written examination (only for state subsidy candidates)


Educational goals

Educational goals

The Professional Copywriting Master's program is aimed at creating professionals in a fast-growing profession such as copywriting. Copywriting is the base level on which professionalism in public relations, advertising, brand journalism, website content management, digital marketing, and digital communication is built. Innovations in technology have enabled the entire economy to go digital, and this also applies to the marketing of products and services. All types of organizations now need to think about new ways of doing business and engaging with customers and service users online. While some businesses exist entirely in the digital world, traditional businesses are developing digital marketing strategies because of the need to reach new and old customers. As organizations focus more and more on their online presence, opportunities are created for professionals with undeniable and excellent writing and communication skills who can produce and manage digital marketing content. They are responsible for the information that appears on a company's website and must ensure that the right type of information reaches the right audience and fits the brand and style of the site. This involves copywriters working closely with designers, developers and content managers to ensure that words, images, videos and feeds are easily picked up by search engines and displayed on the site in the best possible way.
The Master in Professional Copywriting is aimed at students motivated to acquire knowledge and practical skills in content and technology management, in the linguistic and stylistic "programming" of text in order to amplify brand impact and preferential discovery of information on the Internet. The program combines traditional and the latest communication research and practices - the theory and history of copywriting, business communication, creative communication, copywriting for digital marketing, user interface, public relations, advertising, SEO copywriting, intercultural communication, copywriting text stylistics. The educational potential of the program lies in analyzing and mastering communication strategies in view of the current challenges of the communication and technological environment. The program is centered around copywriting as a unique tool in the work of mass communication specialists, covering those areas of theoretical knowledge that can build the trainees' skills to create effective texts for interaction with the audience, to assess the features of the communicative and social environment, to work with different databases, to analyze the impact of and through social media, to manage content in traditional and online media environments.
The Master's program offers theoretical and practical training in various disciplines to provide an interdisciplinary view of copywriting that assumes a thorough and broad knowledge of the communication field. The curriculum of the Master's program includes courses such as "Fundamentals of Copywriting", "Corporate Copywriting in Social Networks", "Copywriting in Intercultural Environments", "SEO Copywriting", which draw a broad framework of the communicative and technological implementations of the professional activity of "copywriting". The second group of courses such as "Visual Identity", "Virtual Communities and Online Authorities",
"Linguistic Formations in Copywriting" develop and deepen specific analytical and applied abilities of the trainees as well as their knowledge in interdisciplinary fields of study. The elective courses aim to increase students' strategic competence in different fields of communication, taking into account the conditions of the communicative situation.

Professional competences

The master's program offers specialized knowledge and experience in the coordinate system of public relations, advertising, brand journalism, online media, social media, creative industry and communication, content management. Copywriters interact extensively using multiple communication channels, and the terrain of their professional activity is social media, pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and advertising (the creation and management of online pay-per-click ads), SEO (the process of increasing a website's visibility and ranking for keywords in search results). The program includes courses that present research and practices in digital culture, visual communication, language, style and text, advertising, and cross-cultural environments. Students will acquire professional competencies and abilities to analyze and navigate the structure and organization of communications and media, to work across digital media and platforms, and to evaluate the operability of technological systems and tools to improve the effectiveness of content for commercial, political, or non-governmental organizations. In addition, graduate students will develop effective communication techniques and skills, and strategies for constructing texts appropriate in style and language to amplify the communication impact of a brand. The Master's program will provide students with the confidence that they have adequately navigated the communication environment in all its diversity and complexity and that they have mastered all the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the increasing demands on this type of professionals in our own and multinational companies, institutions, media and others.

Professional realization

The program aims to train highly qualified professionals to respond to the urgent need in the market for copywriters who can create original written texts for web pages in line with the style and concept of the brand and support the visibility of the website by applying writing strategies according to the requirements of search engines (SEO-friendly materials). According to Bubble Jobs, a digital recruitment agency, the fastest growing areas in the digital economy now are digital marketing, content management and social media, where professionally trained copywriters are needed. This is essential in a tech-driven economy, meaning roles in digital marketing are constantly expanding and can be very lucrative.
The Master's program provides a set of knowledge and skills that ensure the development of highly professional copywriters in PR and advertising departments of corporations and institutions, skilled employees in marketing departments, in online agencies and online media, brand journalists, content managers, digital coordinators. Graduates of the program can also pursue careers as heads of PR and marketing departments, media, corporations, etc. Students will be prepared for careers in copywriting, SEO, analytics and social media, and will be able to conduct applied research or consultancy in these areas, which will include knowledge of web content management systems, as well as working with, for example, Adobe Creative Suite for web imaging and Google Analytics and Facebook Insights for web analytics reporting. Based on a broad range of contemporary knowledge and skills, Masters's students will cultivate a constant curiosity for change, flexibility, sustainable professional values, and an active interest in evolving communication systems that will ensure their successful realization in professional and public life.

Graduates of the Professional Copywriting program can pursue careers as:

    Digital copywriters
    SEO Account Manager
    PR and marketing department managers
    Managers of media, corporations, institutions
    Content Marketing Executive
    Web content managers
    Coordinators in information and communications departments
    Brand journalists
    Information management and marketing specialists
    Social media management specialists
    Consultants and researchers in public communications and information science



Educational plan

Brand Communication

Master's program: brand communication
(for those who have obtained a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Communication Management, Public Relations, Journalism and Book Publishing at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, as well as Bachelors and Masters from other faculties of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and other universities )

Duration of study: 2 semesters
Form of study: part-time
Form of admission: paid tuition - diploma of higher education (Bachelor's or Master's degree)

Head: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kalin Kalinov

Education form
Part time


The Master's programme is open to persons with higher education in the Bachelor's and Master's degrees who have graduated from the Communication Management, Public Relations, Journalism and Book Publishing specialities of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, as well as to Bachelor's and Master's students from other specialities of other faculties of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and other universities.
Candidates with an overall diploma grade of no lower than GOOD are accepted for study in the Master's programmes. The Master's programmes of FJMC start with a minimum number of 15 students per group.

Educational goals

Educational goals

The Master's program "Brand Communication" is interdisciplinary and covers key aspects of modern communication practice. The program is aimed at people who are interested in an in-depth study of the various aspects related to brand communication, including the creation and distribution of content in social networks, media marketing, building a brand's visual identity and its strategic management. The courses that the program includes balance practical aspects with theoretical positions in the field.

The Master's program in "Brand Communication" is aimed at graduates of the "Bachelor" or "Master" in the specialties "Communication Management", "Public Relations", "Journalism" and "Book Publishing" of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, as well as to bachelor's and master's graduates from other specialties of other faculties of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and other higher schools.

The aim of the program is to provide students with quality training in the field of brand communication by balancing theoretical and practical disciplines. Students are given the opportunity to explore in-depth various aspects of the phenomenon. This creates prerequisites for them to upgrade their existing knowledge and skills, thus making them more competitive on the labor market. An advantage of the program is that it also provides specialized practical training - through study modules and workshops led by active specialists in modern communication practice.

The curriculum includes a combination of theoretical and practical disciplines to meet the demands of today's professional communicators. A special emphasis in the program is communication with target audiences through social networks, as well as the strategic building of the brand and its visual identity. The practical disciplines are also focused on the development of "soft" skills in brand communication, including presentation, as well as on crisis brand communication and the creation of brand content with a smartphone. The skills thus acquired are valuable in the daily practice of every professional communicator.
The training takes place in two semesters and ends with a thesis defended before the State Examination Commission of the Department of "Communication and Audiovisual Production". The curriculum is balanced and there are fewer exams in the final second semester to allow students to concentrate on the development of their master's theses.

The disciplines are organized in the curriculum in a manner that enables students to gain structured knowledge of brand communication. Key concepts and techniques in building a modern brand are clarified. Students are also given opportunities for detailed analyzes of successful and unsuccessful examples of modern brand communication. Theoretical knowledge of strategic brand communication and visual identity building is included. Courses are planned that introduce brand communication in social networks, consider applicable aspects of media marketing and influencer marketing. Specialists are brought in to teach fundamentals in the field of brand communication and media.

In a large part of the courses during the 2-semester study, students implement specific practical tasks. Of particular importance for practical training is the presence of three practical modules led by specialists and aimed at building social skills, strategic communication and creating brand content. Students also have the opportunity to choose from the electives offered: Digital Content Marketing, Media Content Branding, Production Company Corporate Branding, Media Marketing and Brand Communication, Image Branding Techniques and Business Writing.

Professional and general competencies, specific competencies
The graduating students have knowledge about brand communication, about social networks and their specifics, about strategic communication positioning, about the sociological and communication dimensions of the modern brand and about the trends in the development of the field.

Graduate students can analyze examples from the practice of modern brand communication. They can build new brands in terms of communication, define their visual identity, specify the communication style of a given brand and follow guidelines for conducting effective brand communication with examples already established on the market. Among the soft skills that the master's program develops are presentation and creation of mobile content.

The end result of the training is harmonious knowledge, an integral part of which is critical competence and socially responsible practice of a wide range of skills related to brand communication, with a special focus on its implementation in social networks.

Professional development (according to the National classification of professions and positions in the Republic of Bulgaria/ international classifications and according to the position of the future specialist in the national qualification framework for high education and the European qualifications framework)
The program aims to prepare qualified specialists in the field of modern brand communication, with an emphasis on brand interactions with target audiences in social networks. The graduates in Brand Communication will be adaptable and well-rounded experts who will have the ability to design, deploy and modify brand communication strategies.

According to the National Classification of Professions and Positions in the Republic of Bulgaria (NCPD-2011), graduates will be able to secure employment as: 1330 Managers in the field of information and communication technologies, 2431 Advertising and marketing specialists, 2432 Public relations specialists, as well as other positions in the sector that meet market demand.





Educational plan

Traditional and digital publishing

Education form
Part time

Lifestyle Journalism

Education form
Part time

Online journalism and media

Education form
Part time